1. Accommodation

Hotels in Aveiro usually have special prices for participants of conferences organised by the University of Aveiro. Booking for accommodation must be dealt with directly by each attendee, referring to the Conference, upon booking.

Hotels in Aveiro: see special price list for participants of conferences organised by the University of Aveiro.

2. How to get to the University of Aveiro

The closest airport to Aveiro is the Francisco Sá Carneiro Airport in Porto. You can travel by Metro between the airport and the Campanhã railway station, which has the Alfa and Intercidade (intercity) train service to Lisbon; almost all trains stop at the Aveiro station.

By car

  • Coming from the North on the A1 motorway you must exit for Aveiro via the A25. There are two exits from A25 to the city: Aveiro Norte and a few kilometres later, Aveiro. For those whose destination is the University of Aveiro the latter is the most advisable.
  • Coming from South via the A1, you must exit in Aveiro-Sul / Águeda (exit 15) and follow the EN235 to the campus.

By train

Aveiro is situated on the main railway line of the country (Linha do Norte – Northern line). Information on train schedules is available on the CP- Comboios de Portugal website. The railway station is marked on the map. The route to the campus can be done using the following means: bus (green line); walk (it takes about 20 minutes to get there); by taxi (there is a taxi rank next to the station).

The arrival

To get around in the city, you can use the following Map of the City and to guide you around the campus of the University of Aveiro, you can use the following Map of the Campus.

3.Meals and snacks On Campus:

Near the Campus

  • Restaurante Refúgio – Rua Calouste Gulbenkian. Tel: 234 423 191
  • Autocarrobar – Largo da Universidade de Aveiro. Tel: 234 425 309
  • McDonald’s Aveiro Universidade – Rua das Pombas. Tel: 234 424 941
  • Restaurante 5 Reis – Rua Principal Santiago Velho. Tel: 234 382 145
  • Restaurante 2 Duques – Rua Vale Guimarães. Tel: 234 427 188
  • Restaurante Maré Cheia – Rua José Rabumba. Tel: 234 384 030

For more information and other suggestions, click here

4.Venue of the Conference

The Conference will take place in the building of the Department of Languages and Cultures of the University of Aveiro (see map). GPS coordinates: 40 38’06.29 “N 8 39’28.33” The

5.Practical information for speakers

The rooms are equipped with computers and projectors. The format of the presentations must be Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt or .pptx). Personal computers/tablets cannot be used, so we recommended the use of a PEN DRIVE. If you work with Mac OS X, convert the presentation so that it is compatible with Windows PowerPoint. Oral contributions must not exceed 20 min.